EXCLUSIVE: New Nikon Mirrorless Teaser Images

My friend from Japan sent me these exclusively for my blog: They most likely show the new Nikon Mirrorless camera and lens mount. I do not have more information on these images, but I am glad that I have been faster than Nikon Rumors.

The new lens mount.

Nikkor logo.

Observe how the lens disappears in the mount.

Just enjoy these pics for what they are. I think the launch is right around the corner, probably extremely close within days. What do you think? Leave a comment below. I think I am excited!

Related: The hypocrisy of Nikon Rumors blog>>
EXCLUSIVE: New Nikon Mirrorless Teaser Images EXCLUSIVE: New Nikon Mirrorless Teaser Images Reviewed by penulis on 07.16 Rating: 5