The ugly side of Fujifilm's marketing

Fujifilm has been portraying itself as the "different camera maker" often praised for their retro camera design, regular firmware updates, and after service. Also in marketing Fujifilm did not follow the path of Sony and aggressively market their cameras through various online influencers. This seems to be changing recently. Canadian photographer Nathan Elson reports about his bad experience with Fujifilm Canada, and why he exited the Fuji X-Photographer ambassador program.

Here are the key points from his video:

- He only shoots with the X-Pro2. He did not like the X-T2 in terms of how it feels in his hands.

- GFX is a beautiful camera, but not as well rounded as the Nikon D800 (you can shoot portraits, action etc).

- Fuji wanted him to sell-off his Nikon gear and shoot Fuji 100%, something he was not ready to do

- He likes to have a second body for backup, and having 2 GFX cameras is too costly he implied.

- Fuji is trying to place an X-Photographer in every Canadian province. This is over-saturating photographers, there is no prestige anymore in being a Fuji X-Photographer.

- They asked him to use Fuji X-logo in his email signatures (he says he did not feel comfortable doing that)

- They wanted him to create blog posts and videos, as well as reshare content from official Fujifilm social media platforms, to become a shill for Fuji's products

Fuji is going the Sony way

I used to like Fuji in the past, and bought a Fuji X100T, but then the camera failed me (it had huge quality issues, I lost over 200 USD repairing it, and eventually sold it). Fuji is known for lots of quality issues, especially the X-T2. I would personally stay away from the X-T3, which is now made in China, and build cheaply. Fuji used to boast that their cameras are made in Japan, but that is no more. Fuji is becoming like Sony, an electronics company with aggressive influencer marketing, and deceiving consumers into buying their overpriced cameras. Now that Nikon and Canon are entering the full frame mirrorless market, consumers finally have more options with better sensors and lenses as compared to Fuji for example. Fuji is expected to lose market share in the future, their cameras have no advantage towards competition.
The ugly side of Fujifilm's marketing The ugly side of Fujifilm's marketing Reviewed by penulis on 08.47 Rating: 5