Nikon Z7 field tested by Indian photographer Radhakrishnan Chakyat

Radhakrishnan Chakyat, a professional photographer with experience of over 30 years (based in Mumbai, India), is the brainchild behind the Youtube channel Pixel Village. Pixel Village recently got the chance to review the new Nikon Z7 full frame mirrorless camera, and put it through its paces. They made a very thorough field test review that once again highlighted that the camera is really well rounded in every way, delivering great images. You may also check Chakyat's website with portfolio and his Bollywood celebrity shots. He's a great photographer knowing his craft well (unlike some spec sheet commentators).

Radhakrishnan Chakyat's review of the Nikon Z7

I believe the Nikon Z6 will be even better for me, because I don't need such high-resolution (and I think many people will feel the same), instead the Z6 will probably perform better in low light, especially for video, making it really a great choice for many modern hybrid shooters.
Nikon Z7 field tested by Indian photographer Radhakrishnan Chakyat Nikon Z7 field tested by Indian photographer Radhakrishnan Chakyat Reviewed by penulis on 22.48 Rating: 5