New iPhone Xs and iPhone Xr prices in Taiwan

Apple just announced their latest iPhones (the Xs, Xs Max, and the Xr), and boy are the prices unbelievably high: The most top of the line model with 512 GB internal storage costs 1500 USD or 52,900 NTD! That's way over the average salary of Taiwanese people, especially those outside of Taipei. Nevertheless, I believe these phones will be a hit in Taiwan. Most people will buy them subsidized, and probably the entry level version with less storage.

Let us look at all the prices in NTD for the 3 different series:

Even the "affordable" iPhone Xr is not cheap, but somewhat in the range of the iPhone 8 Plus, so I believe it will be the most sold iPhone model in Taiwan, followed by the iPhone Xs Max (Taiwanese love gold and big screens - and it's new, nice to show off, especially in Taipei). I personally think Apple's gone insane with these prices, and I'll most likely use my iPhone 8 Plus for another year. What will you do? Let me know in the comments.
New iPhone Xs and iPhone Xr prices in Taiwan New iPhone Xs and iPhone Xr prices in Taiwan Reviewed by penulis on 12.17 Rating: 5